Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Advent 2: Sunday, December 8, 2014 Overflowing in Hope! O, the mystery of God's dwelling in our relationships

On the second Sunday of Advent we continue focusing upon God's coming to dwell amongst us.

In God’s mysterious ways, death blossoms into new and abundant life, the dissonance of violence resolves into the harmony of God’s created order, and the presence of enemies becomes an opportunity to restore relationship rather than to take up arms. So let us seek harmony that we may abide in the house of the Lord—there is peace!

In God's presence we are filled to capacity, no filled to overflowing with hope.  May we express the hope of Christ Jesus in all our relationships.

Message link:  Overflowing in Hope! O, the mystery of God's dwelling in our relationships

Advent 1: Sunday, December 1, 2013 Open House! O, the mystery of God's dwelling in our present

During this Advent season our focus is God's coming to be with us.

In God’s mysterious ways, the weapons that diminish us are turned into the tools that sustain us, the assurance of God’s continuing presence is both sudden and expected, and ordinary living resounds with extraordinary implications. Let us wake to the establishment of the house of the Lord—there is hope!

What we discover on this first Sunday of Advent is that God's House is an Open House - open to all whom God invites.  And since God has invited all who are invited, may we welcome those whom God is calling.