Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fourth Sunday of Lent - March 15, 2015 God Amidst the Shadows

During Lent our community is focusing upon the theme of Upside Down & Inside Out.  We are being called not just to grow, but to "grow up." Growing up asks us to take a second look at what we thought we knew, what we thought was decided, what we thought we were done with, and to discover that there is more than we saw at first glance.

Growing up means not only saying but actually knowing in our bones that God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom.  Growing up means realizing that it's possible to follow the rules perfectly and still have a heart of stone.  Growing up means recognizing that death is absolutely real - and also, absolutely powerless to stop God's reign from coming, here on earth, as in heaven.

During the Fourth Sunday of Lent our focus on "God Amidst the Shadows" recognizes that life is hard - and that many, if not most of us, are sure that we are in it alone.  Yet in our supposed abandonment, God not only hears our distress but responds to it.  How can we recognize God's presence in the shadows and see the life that is there?

Link to Message: God Amidst the Shadows

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany - February 15, 2015 Courageous Conversations on Sexuality: Exalting Christ

During Epiphany we are focusing on Christ being revealed through our lives, our actions.  Also, as our community begins a courageous conversation on sexuality and same-gender relationships, we are seeking to discover how this conversation can take place in ways which places Christ first, honors the purposes and mission of God.  The theme of Epiphany is to see and reveal the presence of God in the midst of our conversing together with one another - especially as we address these issues from theologically diverse positions.

This Sunday focuses on Paul encouraging us to focus not on ourselves, but seek to exalt Christ in all of our conversations.  It is not about us - it is rather about Christ and his reign being exalted and glorified.  As we exalt Christ in our difficult conversations, our focus is to explore and do what seeks to honor God.

Link to Message: Exalting Christ

Fifth Sunday after Epiphany - February 8, 2015 Courageous Conversations on Sexuality: Speaking and Living for the Sake of the Gospel

During Epiphany we are focusing on Christ being revealed through our lives, our actions.  Also, as our community begins a courageous conversation on sexuality and same-gender relationships, we are seeking to discover how this conversation can take place in ways which places Christ first, honors the purposes and mission of God.  The theme of Epiphany is to see and reveal the presence of God in the midst of our conversing together with one another - especially as we address these issues from theologically diverse positions.

This Sunday focuses on Paul encouraging the Corinthian church to do all for the sake of the Gospel.  Jesus is not to be used as a weapon - Jesus is to be worshiped, not wielded.  As we engage in difficult conversations, it is not about making our opinions, views know, rather we are called to speak and live for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are called to engage in conversation in very different ways. 

Link to Message: Speaking and Living for the Sake of the Gospel

Friday, January 23, 2015

Second Sunday after Epiphany - January 18, 2015 Courageous Conversations on Sexuality: Honoring God in Our Bodies

During Epiphany we are focusing on Christ being revealed through our lives, our actions.  Also, as our community begins a courageous conversation on sexuality and same-gender relationships, we are seeking to discover how this conversation can take place in ways which places Christ first, honors the purposes and mission of God.  The theme of Epiphany is to see and reveal the presence of God in the midst of our conversing together with one another - especially as we address these issues from theologically diverse positions.

This Sunday focuses on Paul's admonition of the Corinthian church and their ambivalence towards sexual immorality.  We are called to honor God with our bodies - what does that mean when we engage in this conversation on sexuality?  In one sense, we realize it is not only about our pleasure, we seek to honor God with and in our bodies as we follow after Christ.  

Link to Message: Honoring God with Our Bodies

First Sunday after Epiphany - January 11, 2015 Courageous Conversations on Sexuality: Baptized into God's Pleasure

During Epiphany we are focusing on Christ being revealed through our lives, our actions.  Also, as our community begins a courageous conversation on sexuality and same-gender relationships, we are seeking to discover how this conversation can take place in ways which places Christ first, honors the purposes and mission of God.  The theme of Epiphany is to see and reveal the presence of God in the midst of our conversing together with one another - especially as we address these issues from theologically diverse positions.

This Sunday focuses on Jesus' baptism as being baptized in to God's pleasure.  The learning we draw from this is that in all we do, and also in how we converse, are we able to do it in such a way that we bring pleasure to God.

Link to Message: Baptized into God's Pleasure