Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First Sunday of Lent - Ashamed No More: God Will Show Us Salvation

On this First Sunday of Lent we begin an exploration into the theme of salvation from the perspective of honor and shame, rather than from a more western perspective of judgment and guilt.  Ashamed No More throughout Lent examines how we might understand God's grace and mercy differently, how we might understand salvation differently as we examine these through the lens of honor and shame.  
Connect to Ashamed No More: God Will Show Us Salvation.  This week's message focuses upon how living our lives in Christ is to be open to God's work in us, to be open to the honor God bestows upon us and God through Christ Jesus takes upon himself our shame.  And instead of living lives of shame we are set free in Christ to live lives of shalom.  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

On this Fourth Sunday after Epiphany we continue our series on Encountering GodThe season of Epiphany focuses on Jesus Christ being revealed to the world - particularly through the Magi - and now today, through us.  Throughout Epiphany we are exploring how, in our encountering God, we manifest the life and ministry of Jesus, how we go about demonstrating the presence of God in the places we work and live among the persons we engage in our day to day lives.  
Connect to Encountered by God's Embrace: God Birthed in Us - Fulfillers of God's Word.  This week's message focuses upon how like Christ we live fulfilling the word of God in our lives.  As we reflect upon how God's Word - God's Story and Vision forms and shapes us, how it transforms us, we realize that in embodying God's Word in our lives - we live as ones who fulfill the purposes of God's word in our human contexts.